Presented by Samuel Berndt and Peter Whitehead, the show was released monthly and each episode included a 'photography film' about a specific location each time.
The series consisted of 5 episodes released on the first Friday of every month. In the final episode of the series, Sam and Peter look back at other shows made by Epico Entertainment, comparing them to Capture. This was to demonstrate how Epico has progressed with time and that Capture would be the only show Epico would make as of 2017.
Episode Title:Out with the film, in with the digital
This is the very first episode of Capture.
Sam and Peter make their first Photography film at Fernilee Reservoir near Buxton.
Further into the episode, Peter reviews his favourite film cameras and tests out the Phantom 3 drone whilst Sam interrupts him with his annoying thoughts.
Episode Title:York
Sam goes to York to make the photography film for this episode. Peter demonstrates lighting effects with magnesium. And a film about an abandoned road in Derbyshire.
Episode Title:Edinburgh
The photography film for this episode is in Edinburgh. Meanwhile, Sam and Peter spend a few days exploring the peak district and the higher parts of Stockport.
Episode Title:Cardiff
Peter and Sam travel to Cardiff and take in what the capital of Wales has to offer. Meanwhile, a short film about the sunset in spring.
Episode Title:The story so far
In this episode, Sam and Peter take a look at Epico Entertainment in detail. The episode shows how Epico has progressed with time and that Capture will be the only show Epico will make as of 2017. Simply, a nice ending to the past, and a hint of what is to come...